NEED HELP? Visit the ConnexOntario or call 1-866-531-2600 | IN CRISIS? Call 9-8-8 Canada’s Suicide Crisis Hotline or COAST HAMILTON at 905-972-8338

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Mental Health Promotion and Resilience

A LHIN 4 region-wide (Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant) strategy for mental health promotion, resilience, and capacity building through an innovative strategy of mental health training and education, suicide prevention, and collaborative planning.

Two facilitators deliver and coordinate mental health training/education through evidence-based training.  We serve youth, emerging adults, families and caregivers, community agencies, and the general public.

Programs include safeTALK (learn to increase suicide alertness), Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST), Mental Health First Aid, and Talking About Mental Illness (TAMI).

Our updated Directory of Community Services outlines services and supports in the Hamilton region. This document includes resources for mental health and substance use, housing and shelters, primary healthcare, as well as services for youth, seniors, Indigenous People, newcomers to Canada, the 2SLGBTQ+ community, and more.

For additional information about Mental Health Promotion and Resilience, or to arrange a training session, call (905) 521-0090 or contact us at

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