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Health811: Health advice made easy

Health811 is a free, secure and confidential service Ontarians can access 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to receive health advice from a registered nurse, locate local health services and find trusted health information. Ontarians can call 811 (TTY: 1-866-797-0007), chat online or access resources online at

Health811 can also help Ontarians to find a family doctor or nurse practitioner accepting new patients, offer support to quit smoking and/or a referral for vaping cessation services, nutrition counselling by a registered dietitian, breastfeeding assistance, colorectal cancer screening and refugee health supports all continue to operate.

The Health811 service, including the phone line, online chat feature and website, is available in English and French. Translation support is also available in over 200 languages, including Indigenous languages such as Cree, Ojibwe and Inuktitut, through Health811’s phone service.

Health811 is for non-urgent health care information, advice and health service referrals. This service is not a substitute for 911, which should still be used for a medical emergency. Health811 is also not a substitute for regular touchpoints with a health care provider.

On the Health811 website, Ontarians can:

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