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Art & Inquiry Soirée: Artistic explorations of mental health

You are kindly invited to join us on Wednesday May 1st for the Art & Inquiry Soirée—a special evening event filled with art, food, and lively discussions featuring a keynote address by Sue Phipps (CEO, CMHA Hamilton).

This event, hosted by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Hamilton Branch, in collaboration with McMaster University’s Centre for Advanced Research on Mental Health and Society (ARMS), will showcase our community-engaged research and exhibit a collection of artistic works created by people with lived and living experience. The central theme of the Art & Inquiry Soirée revolves around the healing power of compassion and the connections forged through kindness & understanding. This event is free to attend and will be licensed and catered by The Other Bird restaurant group.

Please note, registration is now closed. This is a sold out event.

Save the Date: Mental Health Research Symposium

The Art & Inquiry Soirée at CMHA Hamilton on May 1st is a feature of the Mental Health Research Symposium taking place at McMaster University on May 1st and 2nd. Mark your calendars and plan to attend!

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